Sunday, May 23, 2010

Formatting and Such

One more bit of housekeeping....  Some of you may have noticed that I have edited your posts.  I am only doing that to try and get them more uniform and I hope I am not offending anyone.  Since there are currently 13 authors, I don't want there to be 13 formats.  Too confusing.  As I see people adding extra information, I am including it into the template.  I welcome comments on the general format of the posts as well as the layout of the blog.  I am by no means a design genius.

Also, when you go to add your labels please click the "Show all" link next to the label box so that you can make sure and include everything that fits your recipe.  Feel free to add new labels as well, when appropriate.  Obviously the recipes we've added so far don't cover every category in the world of cooking :)    I'm trying to keep the labels capitalized as well, but it is not a big deal for me to fix that either.

Thanks everyone for participating in my crazy idea!  I'm really looking forward to more recipes as the weeks go on.  If you have any topic suggestions you can add them as comments to any of the housekeeping posts.


  1. Lis, can you tell us what font you're using? I tried to match the font below mine, but obviously it was incorrect too. I promise to follow the format if you list guidelines!

  2. So actually, not trying to matching the font is best. It looks different when you type it in, but I am using the blog formatting to format the font (if that makes any sense) when you post it. So if you *don't* choose a font or size, just bold/italic the font will be set correctly. That way if we decide we'd prefer a different font then changing the setting for the whole blog will change each post as well.

    Make sense? Perhaps someone with better use of language can interpret for me if it doesn't. :)


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